Here you will find a great collection of celebrity jokes for all celebrity lovers, fans, groupies and everyone else who likes to joke about celebrities. This awesome collection of jokes, quotes, puns and riddles about your favorite celebrities are both silly, funny and entertaining. We guarantee that you will laugh hysterically when you read our jokes about the celebrities! Jokes are fun!
Here you will find five random celebrity jokes that are both funny, corny, silly and hilarious. Make sure you tell these jokes about celebrity to your friends and family to get them giggling too.
What's the difference between Courtney Love and the American flag?Answer: It's not proper to piss on the American flag
A Sunday school teacher is concerned that his students might be a little confused about Jesus, so he asks his class, “Where is Jesus today?”
Brian raises his hand and says, “He’s in Heaven.”
Susan answers, “He’s in my heart.”
Little Johnny waves his hand furiously and blurts out, “He’s in our bathroom!”
The teacher is surprised by this answer and asks Little Johnny how he knows this.
“Well,” Little Johnny says, “every morning, my Dad gets up, bangs on the bathroom door and yells ‘Jesus Christ, are you still in there?'”
What's the does a pizza and Evander Holyfield have in common?Answer: None of them can feed a family of sixteen.
What is harder for Jackie Bradley Jr. to catch the faster he runs?Answer: His breath!
Why did the chicken cross the road according to Alessandro Volta?Answer: The other side had more potential.
Here you will find the five newest celebrity jokes on this website that you visitors have submitted. These riddles, puns and jokes about celebrities are both funny, good, silly and hilarious.
How did Rihanna find out Chris Brown was cheating on her?Answer: She found another woman's lipstick on his knuckles
What did Jay-Z call his wife before they got married?Answer: Feyonce
Which celebrity smells the best?Answer: Kevin Bacon
Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain.
What does Ariana Grande order at McDonald's?Answer: A Mac Miller