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Pythagoras Jokes

Looking for a good laugh? Look no further than our collection of Pythagoras jokes! Whether you're a fan of mathematics or just love a good celebrity joke, we've got you covered. Our collection features the best silly, corny, and funny jokes about the famous Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras. From puns to riddles, one-liners to quotes, this collection has it all. So, join us in celebrating the life and work of Pythagoras with a good laugh. Jokes are fun, and Pythagoras wouldn't want us to take life too seriously!

Showing all 11 Pythagoras jokes

Glen Van Brummelen, Hipparchus, Menelaus and Pythagoras are having a party!
Be there, or be square.
How did Pythagoras win a Fishing Competition?
Pythagoras thought numbers were male or female. What is a factor called if it is a female number?
Pythagoras walks into a bar muttering, "If a right-angled triangle has a short side, X, a long side, Y, and hypotenuse, Z, then the square of Z must be equal to the sum of the square of X and the square of, erm... uh..."

The barman says, "Y, the long face?"
Pythagoras was a skeptic... ...but now he believes in angles!
Pythagoras wasn't a mathematician, he was a sinetist.
What did Pythagoras say about the pyramid scheme?
What's Pythagoras' favorite instrument?
Why did Pythagoras like math so much?
Why was Pythagoras not considered a suspect in murder case?
Yo mama's so ugly that Pythagoras wouldn't touch her with a 3-4-5 triangle.

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